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020 8590 1124

Fundraising FAQs

Have a look at some of the most common questions we're asked about fundraising for Blesma.

Can I use the Blesma logo?

Yes of course you can!  You will need to stick to our Brand Guidelines and have completed an Events Organising Form. Contact us at Fundraising@blesma.org to ask for the logo, brand guidelines and a copy of the Events Organising Form.

I have secured my own place in a run, can l run for you?

Absolutely! Whatever event you are taking part in we would love you to join Team Blesma. Contact us on 0208 548 7089 or email Fundraising@blesma.org and we'll send you your very own Fundraising Pack and Blesma running top.

How do I secure a Charity Place?

You'll need to complete an application form from the event page. Some events are by application process, we aim to let you know the result of your application as soon as possible. Some events are confirmed instantly as long as you are committed to raising the minimum fundraising pledge and you pay a registration fee.

Does Gift Aid count towards my fundraising pledge?

Unfortunately the tax claimed on Gift Aid donations does not form part of your fundraising total. However please do encourage your sponsors to tick the Gift Aid box if they are UK tax payers as this is an important source of additional income for Blesma.

Is there an age restriction?

Yes - though the exact age depends on the event in question. Age restrictions are conditions of the run organisers and are strictly adhered to. There are no maximum age restrictions, though we recommend that any runner aged 65 and over speak to their doctor before signing up.

Do I need a licence to collect money on the street?

Yes, you will need to obtain a licence either from your local authority, or if in greater London, the Metropolitan Police. If your collection is open to the public but being held on private property, for example at a shopping centre or rail station, you must obtain permission from the landowner or manager. Static collection boxes placed in shops and businesses do not need a license, but do need permission from the business owner and must be secure and tamper proof.