Blesma News
Latest news from Blesma, The Limbless Veterans
19 August 2013
Blesma Members Sapper Tom Folwell, Corporal Davie Birrell, Private Mark Allen and Private Ryan Goodman – who have lost eight legs between them – have featured in The Daily Mirror and on their website for making history by competing in Britiain's toughest 24-hour karting event this Bank Holiday weekend. The team were brought together by KartForce, an organisation founded by Dave Player that helps injured service personnel get into motorsport through specially adapted Karts. 'Team Legs' (as the guys nicknamed themselves!) will become the first team of injured troops to compete i
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Chairman's Address
13 June 2013
We are coming through a period of change and we need to respond to this. It is a touch difficult for us to appreciate just how much things have changed as a result of recent events, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Cedric Delves There has been increasing clarity in our world – the Service Charity world. The increased visibility of the Armed Forces and their activities resulted in a huge up swell of public sympathy and support. Government provision has improved out of recognition – it’s not jus
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BFBS Big Salute
5 June 2013
We are delighted to announce our continuing relationship with BFBS's Big Salute. Starting in 2007, the Big Salute is a fundraising initiative where people across the forces community raise money throughout the year for five military charities, of which Blesma is one. The other worthy causes are: Families Activities Breaks, Blind Veterans UK, Veterans Aid and Combat Stress. There is also a big auction due in November. We will provide more details nearer the time
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