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9 June 2022

Can you Help? - The British Pain Society - Patient Voice Survey

Chronic Pain is an issue that affects both serving personnel and very many in the veteran community. As a result several military charities and other private health care providers offer bespoke pain management support exclusively to military veterans.

Unsurprisingly, chronic pain (in all its forms) is also an issue in the wider community; Several national organisations exist that aim to provide wider help and support to professionals and patients concerned with the treatment and management of chronic pain - The British Pain Society (BPS) is one such organisation. As part of this remit, the British Pain Society has close links to patients and carers, and is supported by a group of lay members and clinicians as “The Patient Voice Committee” (TPVC) of the British Pain Society. This committee has a wide range of members including several military veterans.

We Need Your Help! - Patient Voice Survey

This patient led group aims to “make a difference to the lives of people living with pain and those of their carers” and as part of this work The Patient Voice Committee of the BPS has launched an important Survey about pain patients’ routes into pain clinics, the impact of Covid-19 on their pain and accessing support through pain services, self-management and the use of community pain teams.

Take the Survey

We would really appreciate your support and we ask that you share the Survey with your community, especially those living with pain. This will help us hear their voices, comments and views. The survey will close to responses on 30 Jun 22.

Given the significant numbers of military veterans who live with chronic pain long after they have left the armed forces, their input into this survey is vital to ensure the views of all elements of the wider community are represented; please do complete the survey if you are able!

Further detail concerning the work of the The Patient Voice Committee of the British Pain Society can be found here.

Thank you for your support!


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