How to Train for the Blesma Remembrance 11k
It seems simple to keep up the pace, but having achieved that 10k goal you may find your
motivation slipping away. That's why you should join us in raising money for Injured Veterans this Remembrance day.
By registering for Blesma’s Remembrance 11k you can keep your goals on track, as you run to Remember. We are here to provide all of our top tips on how to train for an 11k run for
1. Set a goal
Now you have completed that first 10k, you might feel ready to take a well-earned rest. That might be right for you, but if you want to get back out there and running again soon, a remembrance day run will help you motivate yourself, especially in the cold winter months.
2. Do it your way
The Remembrance 11k is a great way to hit your running goals, but if you want to mix it up you could swim, or even cycle instead! Why not gather the family and walk 11k, taking an easy pace?
You may also think about incorporating into your November runs a poignant moment of remembrance. Will you run past your local cenotaph, or gather a group of friends who served for instance?
The aim of the day is to remember our fallen, and care for the living. Make sure you complete the challenge in a way that’s personal to you.
3. Track your progress
You can link your Strava when you sign up, or use a tracking device of your own to evidence your 11k. You should be proud of your progress, and for taking part in a charity run.
Why not share some of your training runs prior to the event?
Once you submit your 11k to our Fundraising Team, you will receive your finishers pack, complete with medal.
4. Make it social (media!)
Find like minded individuals, and share your progress and plans in Blesma’s Remembrance 11k community group.
You can start the conversation, share training tips, and keep one another motivated. Remember, you’ll all run for veterans together on the day – wherever you are!
Don’t forget to follow and tag Blesma on Social media, we love to share your stories and photos from the remembrance run.
5. Tune in
Remember, Blesma will be livestreaming the Remembrance 11k invitational event from Blesma Chelmsford, so tune in on race day to catch our shared online warm-up and Race Brief.
Remember though, even if you can’t complete your 11k on Remembrance Sunday, you have the whole of November to complete the run.

Sign up for the event here
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