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14 January 2021

Applications to join the 2021 Making Generation R programme are now open!

Your fellow Blesma Members have already inspired over 100,000 young people and key workers with their powerful stories of overcoming adversity - now it’s your chance to get involved!

What is Making Generation R?

Making Generation R – Resilience Through Inspiration (MGR) is a storytelling & public speaking programme brought to you by Blesma, The Limbless Veterans and award-winning creative social enterprise, The Drive Project.

Since 2016, we’ve worked with over 70 Blesma Members to develop their storytelling and public speaking skills, and together with experienced Actors and storytellers , trained them to create and deliver an engaging personal story to educations settings, workplaces and First Aid Responders .

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Once you’ve gone through MGR’s five day intensive training programme, you may then be asked to share your story with young people aged 11-18 in schools, universities and youth groups; as well as key workers, Frontline Workers and First Responders. These sessions take place online, in person (if and when restrictions safely allow) and in the form of live digital workshops.

The MGR ‘Season’ runs between February – July 2021. Our Members have also recorded some Resilience Resources, so that their inspiring stories of resilience can be shared with our audiences safely all throughout in this time of COVID.

Our team will work with each individual to determine if and when they may be ready to share your story with these various audiences. You will be paid for the talks you deliver.

What if I don’t have a story?

Everyone has a story – it’s up to us to help you find it! This programme is open to all levels of speaker, from the experienced to those who’ve never tried public speaking.

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Why should I sign up?

  •  Receive one-on-one coaching & group-based training run by the Theatre Industry’s leading experts in public speaking via digital and In Person delivery between February–May 2021. 
  • Learn to develop your 10-minute personal story of how you have overcome adversity.
  • Help make a real difference to the lives of others through sharing your story and inspiring others to overcome adversity both large and small
  • Deliver your story within MGR sessions between February-July 2021 both digitally and In Person, subject to Covid-19 government guidelines.

How do I sign up as a speaker?

If you’re a Blesma Member interested in taking part in Making Generation R register your interest by Wednesday 20th Jan with Tuesday Critchfield by emailing tuesday@thedriveproject.co.uk or calling 07469 859 522.

David Ledger
David Ledger

David's story

David Ledger became an MGR Speaker in 2018. Since lockdown he’s retrained to share his story online and tells us how he’s been finding the experience.

"I was apprehensive about working remotely as I thought that I would struggle to deliver my story in an engaging way using zoom.

However, the coaches were great as always and right from the very start took us back to basics, breaking everything down and simplifying the whole process. This increased my confidence and made the entire training package an enjoyable experience.

I feel that I now have the confidence and skills to deliver my story remotely."

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