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10 August 2016

Amputee climbs Mount Snowdon for fellow limbless veterans

Brian Chapman, from Newark, Nottingham has taken on the challenge of climbing Mount Snowdon in aid of military charity Blesma, the Limbless Veterans.

Brian served as an Army Sniper instructor in the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment. A motorbike accident six years ago, which Brian cannot recall, led to Brian having to have his right leg amputated.

Brian’s 12-year-old daughter, Kassia, also joined the trek to support her father and Blesma despite her being scared of heights!

“It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” said Brian. “I was psychically drained when I got to the top. We were pushing against 70/80mph winds so it was hard.”

Despite just finishing his fundraising trek, Brian and his fellow Military friends that joined him for the event are already looking at a new challenge to raise money for Blesma.

“It was a bit surreal the next day after we’d finished. I’m thinking about something to do with cycling for the next fundraiser as I haven’t done that since being injured. But I have definitely ruled out any forms of jumping and hills for a while!”

Blesma Member Jessie James surprised Brian at the end of this trek

Blesma member and Brian’s friend from the Military, Jessie James, surprised Brian by meeting him at the bottom once he had finished. The two friends had not seen each other for over 20 years.

If you’d wish to donate to Brian’s fundraising page please visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/b-chapman or if you’d like to donate to Kassia’s fundraising page please visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/helen-chapman23 .



Notes to Editor

Hi-res images can be downloaded from the links below:

Brian and Kassia on Mount Snowdon - https://blesma.org/media/438575/brian-and-daugter.jpg 

Brian and Kassia - https://blesma.org/media/438576/kassia.png

Brian and Jessie James - https://blesma.org/media/438577/13924811_1713840125543050_3663713486503677802_n.jpg

About Blesma, The Limbless Veterans

Blesma, The Limbless Veterans is the national charity for all limbless serving and ex-service men and women, their widows and dependants.  It is a membership organisation which helps wounded service men and women rebuild their lives by providing rehabilitation activities and welfare support. Their membership includes those who have lost the use of a limb, an eye or the sight of an eye.

Blesma was formed in the years following the First World War and became a national charity in 1932.  Blesma today has around 3,500 Members and widows. The membership consists of men and women who have served during the Second World War and the many subsequent conflicts and peacekeeping operations since, including the Falklands, Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Follow us on Twitter & Instagram @Blesma and Facebook /blesma

For further information on Blesma, The Limbless Veterans, contact

Jessica Mackinnon, In-house Journalist

E: ihj@blesma.org

T: 020 8590 1124

W: www.blesma.org

10 August 2016

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We are dedicated to assisting serving and ex-Service men and women who have suffered life-changing limb loss or the use of a limb, an eye or sight. We support these men and women in their communities throughout the UK. Click the link below to find out the different kinds of support we offer.

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