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Cancer survivor takes on gruelling 3000-mile endurance race in the United States

23 June 2015

David Inman, owner of Oldfield Osteopathic Clinic in Bath, has beaten colon cancer to take on the Race Across America challenge as part of Team Felix RAAM, which sees individuals and teams cycle from the west coast to the east coast in a limited amount of time.

The Team race began on Saturday 20 June with teams having just nine days to complete the 3000 miles across the tough American terrain.

David, who served for 22 years in the Royal Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, is part of the Felix RAAM 2015 team which is made up of military veterans. They are taking on the challenge to raise money for Blesma, The Limbless Veterans and the Wounded Warrior Project in the US.

So far the team have raised nearly £17,000 for the two charities, but are determined to reach their target of £50,000.

David had been training for several months when he began to feel dizzy, fatigued and short of breath. On 1st April 2015 he was diagnosed with colon cancer and within a month had undergone a major operation to have a large part of his bowel removed. The follow-up consultation provided the good news that the cancer had not spread.

Speaking before the team left for the US, David said: “The consultant agreed that if I hadn't have been training as hard as I was for the RAAM, then the cancer may have gone undetected for a lot longer, with a poorer outcome the most likely prognosis. So less than 7 weeks from surgery I am on my way to compete in the Race Across America!”

Now David is into the third day of the challenge along with team members Cliff Burnett, Stewart Sharman, John Elliot, John Lambert, Al Dowdy, Pete Graham and Blesma Member Davie Timmins QGM.

Blesma, The Limbless Veterans is the national charity for all limbless service men and women, their widows and dependants. It was formed in the years following the First World War and became a national charity in 1932.

To follow the team’s progress, go to: www.raceacrossamerica.org and click on the ‘RAAM Teams’ link on the left.

To make a donation, go to:  https://www.justgiving.com/FelixRAAM2015/


Notes to Editor

Hi-res images can be downloaded from the links below:

David Inman and Davie Timmins at the start of the race: /media/327384/David-Inman-and-Davie-Timmins.jpg

David Inman: /media/327385/David-Inman.jpg

About the team

Davie Timmins QGM (Ex Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) Bomb Disposal) is a mentoring coordinator with the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Families Association. Davie lost his right eye and hearing in his right ear in an explosion from an IED whilst serving with the Royal Engineers' Bomb Disposal Unit. 

Dave Inman (Ex Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers) is an osteopath and runs his own clinic in Bath.

Cliff Burnett (Ex RLC Bomb Disposal) is an IT, Logistics and Incident / Risk management consultant.

Stewart Sharman (Ex Royal Signals) is the Head of the Ex Military Programme at FDM Group.

John ‘Spike’ Elliot (Ex RLC) is the 1st team sports massage therapist at Oxford United Football club.

John Lambert is the director and general manager of Forticrete Ltd.

Al Dowdy (Ex RLC) is the resources co-ordinator for Team GB cycling.

Peter Graham (Ex RLC Bomb Disposal) is a serving Major at the Defence School of Transport, Leconfield.

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