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25 June 2014

You can be a movie star!

Blesma joins forces with one of Britain's top casting agencies to offer Members the opportunity to be famous

In a unique partnership Mad Dog Casting is teaming up with Blesma to offer paid-for TV and movie roles as 'extras' in blockbuster movies as well as top television series and commercials.

The pioneering alliance follows the massive success of the theatre production of 'The Two Worlds of Charlie F' which has won many theatre awards and significant recognition for the performances of former and serving military, who have suffered serious injuries and amputations.

A total of 340 servicemen and women are amputees as a result of conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq with 96 double amputees and 19 triple amputees.

Research has shown that public 'performances' such as acting or singing has significantly impacted on recovery and the levels of 'self-confidence and self-esteem' of those who leave the military and who are not interested in sporting or physical challenges. Mad Dog Casting, which is based at Ealing Studios, west London, has an unrivalled track record of sourcing extras for top box office movies like the most recent Bond movie Skyfall, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and Philomena as well as TV hits like Broadchurch and big-brand TV commercials.

Those Blesma Members who are interested should go to http://home.maddogcasting.com/register/artistform to fill in the registration or email blesma@maddogcasting.com to find out more details and submit their personal details as well as high-quality photos of their specific injuries and their interests.

Daily rates can range from  £100 to £160 depending on the production and Mad Dog will charge a special discounted commission and registration fee for Blesma Members.

We are delighted to team up with the military in this way. These are people with very special qualities, skills and backgrounds and if we can contribute to their recovery or confidence in any way, then it is a big win for all of us.

Mad Dog Managing Director, Vikki Scott

We all recognise the debt of gratitude that we owe our Armed Services especially those who have suffered serious injury while going about their duty on our behalf and this is a meaningful way of the broader community supporting life after service. We are delighted to be working with Blesma and its Members.

Mad Dog Casting Chairman, Graham Beswick

This is a significant breakthrough for Blesma in terms of offering our Members a new route for their interests and talents and reinforces the importance of ability over disability in every walk of life.

Blesma Chief Executive, Barry Le Grys

It is important to recognise that just because someone is injured it does not inhibit their ambitions or aspirations and in reality not everyone can row across the Atlantic but the feedback we have received from those who have worked in the arts or the theatre is massively positive and this partnership represents a really exciting opportunity for our members.

Blesma Operations Director, Ian Waller


How to apply

Go to www.maddogcasting.com

Click on the button that says 'Apply to be an Artist'

Fill out the application form - remember to fill in every field, and upload a CLEAR, RECENT photo.

You will be sent an email, with an ARTIST ID NUMBER and a PASSWORD.

Don't forget to mention you are a Blesma Member 

To login to your Mad Dog profile, visit www.maddogcasting.com, and click on 'Sign In'.

Your username is your Artist ID.  You will have been sent a password that you can change once you login for the first time.

On your profile, you can amend your skills, languages, uniforms and make notes too.

Once you've made your application, drop an email to blesma@maddogcasting.com, with your name and Artist ID, so our casting staff can easily locate you in our system


Notes to Editor

Hi-res images can be downloaded from the links below:

Blesma logo: /blesmalogo

Mad Dog logo: /maddoglogo

On set 1: /casting1

On set 2: /casting2

On set 3: /casting3

On set 4: /casting4

  • Casting
  • Casting2
  • Casting 3

About Blesma, The Limbless Veterans

Blesma, The Limbless Veterans is the national charity for all limbless serving and ex service men and women, their widows and dependants.  It is a membership organisation which helps wounded service men and women rebuild their lives by providing rehabilitation activities and welfare support. Their membership includes those who have lost the use of a limb, an eye or the sight of an eye.

Blesma was formed in the years following the First World War and became a national charity in 1932.  Blesma today has over 4000 Members and widows. The membership consists of men and women who have served during the Second World War and the many subsequent conflicts and peacekeeping operations since, including the Falklands, Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan.


Follow us on Twitter @BLESMA

For further information on Blesma, The Limbless Veterans, contact

Stuart Higgins, PR Freelance Consultant

E: stuart@stuart-higgins.com

W: www.blesma.org

25 June 2014

We can help

We are dedicated to assisting serving and ex-Service men and women who have suffered life-changing limb loss or the use of a limb, an eye or sight. We support these men and women in their communities throughout the UK. Click the link below to find out the different kinds of support we offer.

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