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Prince Harry congratulates record-breaking team

13 June 2014

The first ever straight-line journey from Land’s End to John O’Groats was completed at midday today. The Beeline Britain team, including a Paralympian and double amputee veteran, arrived at the UK mainland’s most northerly point after an epic voyage across the country.

The team were delighted to receive a congratulatory phone call from His Royal Highness Prince Harry at John O’Groats.

You've done a sterling job. I am so glad you've enjoyed it and I am really sad I didn't get to join you. This was a seriously hard and arduous journey, in such a short space of time. You've started something that other people can really latch on to and we're going to make sure we do our best to support it. It' a huge feat, I am really proud of you all.

Prince Harry

The Beeline Britain team, which is supported by Prince Harry’s Endeavour Fund, have covered over 1,100kms from Land’s End since their departure on May 17th.

They have kayaked, cycled, mountain biked and hiked their way across the UK, completing two record breaking sea crossings on route, including the longest open sea kayak crossing in the UK; 34 hours of non-stop kayaking.

The record breaking team of four include Paralympian and double amputee Army veteran Nick Beighton; Tori James the first Welsh woman to summit Mount Everest; Ian O’Grady, RAF helicopter crewman and founder of the Beeline Britain Concept; and Adam Harmer, outdoor instructor and lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University.

All four have tackled the UK’s toughest terrain to raise money for Blesma; the limbless veterans charity. To donate to Blesma Text “Line 59” to 70070 or go to www.justgiving.com/beelinebritain.

The Chief Executive of Blesma, Brigadier (retired) Barry J. Le Grys MBE, said of the team “The support for Blesma from Adam, Ian, Nick and Tori is appreciated no end by all Blesma Members, it helps in so many ways, not least in inspiring others to be positive. Blesma is about the realisation and celebration of potential, Team Beeline Britain have made a unique contribution to this, thank you so much.”

Ian O’Grady, who devised the Beeline Britain concept was hugely proud to cross the finish line. He said “Three years ago this was just a crazy idea I had to raise awareness of how inspirational our injured veterans are;  to be arriving in John O’Groats after crossing the whole country is just brilliant. I am so delighted to be here and amazed by the effort of the whole Beeline team and all supporters.”

The Beeline Britain team started their ambitious challenge with a grueling first leg, setting a new UK sea kayaking record by paddling for over 34 hours and 200km from Lands End to Pembrokeshire. Beeline Britain then took them on a 150km kayak to Anglesey and then on to the Isle of Man where they had to contend with the TT motorbikes to cycle across the island before kayaking to Scotland.

The four adventurers then cycled across Scotland before mountain biking and hiking across the Cairngorm Mountains. Nick Beighton, Paralympian used specially designed mountain hand-bikes to tackle the rugged Scottish terrain before the four ditched their wheels to hike to the top of Ben MacDui, the UKs second highest peak.

The beginning of this week saw the team cycle to the edge of the Moray Firth before a final 10 hour kayak across the Scottish waters and a last cycle into John O’Groats this morning.

 Nick Beighton, Paralympian, double amputee and Afghanistan veteran said “This has been a tough challenge, my body has been blown up and bolted back together again and I know Beeline Britain would test it to its limits. For me I wanted to show how life changing injuries don’t limit your ability to tackle epic challenges and I wanted to raise funds for Blesma who make a hugely positive impact on injured veterans; I feel we’ve achieved all of those aims.”

For Nick to have lost both legs in an IED explosion (Improvised Explosive Device) and to recover to compete the in London 2012 Paralympics and now finish the first ever straight line Lands End to John O’Groats journey is inspirational. Along the way the Beeline Britain team have been proud to carry the Bastion Baton, the handle of a combat stretcher used in Afghanistan to evacuate wounded soldiers. The Baton is a symbol of the nation’s gratitude and respect for the sacrifices made by her armed forces.

The communities, schools and supporters that have engaged with Beeline Britain have been inspired by the determination of all four adventurers.

Adam Harmer, a highly experienced kayaker and Outdoor Education senior lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University told us just how ambitious Beeline Britain is: “No one has ever attempted the distances that we have kayaked on this journey. At the beginning we weren’t even sure that it would be possible to kayak for such long distances, through some of the world’s highest tidal ranges. "It's amazing. Such an iconic journey completed in such a simplistic but challenging way. Including some of the biggest open sea kayak crossings available in UK waters. It leaves me speechless."

Tori James is the first Welsh woman, and was the youngest British female to summit Mount Everest, she has also raced to the North Pole and cycled the length of New Zealand but for her a UK journey was just too enticing. “I was privileged to be asked to join the Beeline Britain team” she told us at the finish “when I realised that a straight line passed through my home country of Pembrokeshire and that I would challenge me to take on a new sport, sea kayaking, I couldn’t say no. To add a UK first to the polar and Himalayan records is brilliant, I am so grateful to the Beeline team.”

Beeline Britain have taken an iconic UK challenge and given it a new twist, adding huge sea kayak crossings, hiking across the UK’s second highest peak and both mountain biking and road cycling. Their ingenuity, determination and physical endurance, all to support injured veterans, is inspiring. For more information go to www.beelinebritain.com or www.facebook.com/beelinebritain


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The team reach John O'Groats

Nick on the phone with Prince Harry

The team at John O'Groats

The team with the support crew

Contact Richard Strudwick on 07941668174 / info@beelinebritain.com for more images

Beeline Britain is being supported by Prince Harry and the Endeavour Fund and will raise money for Blesma, the charity for limbless servicemen and women and their families.

Donations can be made to Blesma; text “Line59 £5” or your chosen amount, to 70070 or visit www.justgiving.com/beelinebritain 



Contact: Richard Strudwick on 07941668174 or info@beelinebritain.com for more information

The Endeavour Fund: The Endeavour Fund was created by The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry to support sporting and adventurous challenges conducted by wounded, injured or sick service personnel and veterans. The fund aims to promote these activities as part of a recovery pathway and to amplify the actions of these individuals in order to inspire others to challenge their perceptions of what is truly possible. 

www.endeavourfund.co.uk@endeavourfund www.royalfoundation.com


Blesma, The Limbless Veterans is the national charity for all limbless service men and women, their widows and dependants. It was formed in the years following the First World War and became a national charity in 1932. Today the charity directly supports over 4000 Members. The aim of the charity is to provide support and empowerment to our injured service men and women helping them live fulfilling and empowered lives. We believe in life after injury. Find out more at www.blesma.org  or visit us on www.facebook.com/BLESMA & www.twitter.com/BLESMA 


Liverpool John Moores University: Founded in 1825, LJMU is a modern civic university delivering impactful research and scholarship that form the foundation for its interaction with industry, business and the community. Ranked in the top 100 new universities in the world, the University has around 24,000 students, recruited from over 100 countries, who are enrolled on a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate taught and research degrees as well as continuing professional development programmes. LJMU is one of the UK’s leading research active contemporary universities, with world-leading and internationally recognised research taking place across the institution. It also continues to be one of the UK’s leading higher education institutions for its interaction with business and the community. This interaction informs both teaching and research at the University and impacts positively on graduate employability, with 92% of graduates being in work or further study within six months of leaving the University.


UnLtd: UnLtd is the leading provider of support to social entrepreneurs in the UK and offers the largest such network in the world. UnLtd resources hundreds of individuals each year through its core Awards programme. UnLtd operates a unique model by investing directly in individuals and offering a complete package of resources; from Awards of funding, to ongoing advice, networking and practical support. www.unltd.org.uk @UnLtd


Richard Strudwick: Richard is an enterprise and personal development expert as well as a passionate and energetic facilitator. As Founder and Director of three companies, he runs inspirational enterprise support and youth engagement projects and works as an independent consultant. Richard works with national charities and international organisations to enable them to deliver highly effective development programmes. He facilitates exceptional personal development programmes for corporate teams and young people, in classrooms, boardrooms and the great outdoors. www.enterpriserich.co.uk @enterpriserich

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