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24 February 2014

Injured Royal Engineer from Derbyshire nominated for Soldiering On Award

Paralysed from waist down in a roadside blast in Afghanistan, Royal Engineer Ben Zissman refused to be beaten.

25-year-old Zissman is a Member of Blesma, The Limbless Veterans and as a reward for his unbeaten spirit, they have put him forward nominated him for the People Choice Award organised by The Soldiering On Through Life Trust.

The Awards, to be held at the Grand Plaza Hotel at Westminster Bridge on Saturday 5 April, aim to recognise and salute servicemen and women and their families. The Awards are a moving evening of heroic stories of personnel overcoming their adversity and who are still soldiering on.

London-based Blesma, The Limbless Veterans is one of the beneficiary charities.

“I am incredibly happy to be nominated for this prestigious award. Because I was injured 4 years ago now, you think people will have forgotten. But it’s very encouraging to know that people think about you and value your contribution and the sacrifices you made for the country.”

Zissman, was serving with 21 Royal Engineers (Royal Monmouthshire) in South Helmand in 2010 when a 180kg charge hit his vehicle.

Left with a spinal injury and multiple fractures to his left shoulder and arm, he admits he struggled at first to keep his independence.

Zissman suffered a broken wrist, ankle and four ribs, a fractured pelvis and a haematoma, which forced him into a medicated coma for four weeks – but it was a T9 spinal cord injury that caused the most damage, leaving him paralysed from the waist down.

But, drawing on his extraordinary strength and courage, he succeeded in getting out of his wheelchair and moving with the aid of walking frame callipers.

During his rehabilitation Zissman, from Walton-on-Trent, Derbyshire, developed an interest in hand-cycling – more gruelling than conventional leg-powered biking as it uses a lot more energy and produces a fraction of the power.

His potential was recently demonstrated to fellow Members of Blesma and American colleagues at the Wounded Warrior Project during their joint SR UK in October last year. Soldier Ride UK event. He was one of the few riders on a hand-bike and battled through to the finish line with little support.

“Blesma have been a pillar of strength from the onset. They have helped me immensely with my recovery and, most significantly fuelled my interest in cycling. I am ever so grateful for this recognition.

I am also getting married this July and this recognition could not have come at a better time. Thank you everybody.”

Such is his commitment he is currently riding around 50 miles per day in a bid for a chance at glory at the 2016 Paralympics in Rio. He has become so proficient that he has been talent spotted by the sport’s British Development Squad.

To vote for Ben text SOPC43£1 to 70070 (Each text costs £1 and one text counts as one vote)



Notes to Editor

Hi-res images can be downloaded from the links below

Ben Zissman at SR UK 2013





About Blesma, The Limbless Veterans

Blesma, The Limbless Veterans is the national charity for all limbless serving and ex service men and women, their widows and dependants.  It is a membership organisation which helps wounded service men and women rebuild their lives by providing rehabilitation activities and welfare support. Their membership includes those who have lost the use of a limb, an eye or the sight of an eye.

Blesma was formed in the years following the First World War and became a national charity in 1932.  Blesma today has over 4000 Members and widows. The membership consists of men and women who have served during the Second World War and the many subsequent conflicts and peacekeeping operations since, including the Falklands, Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan.


About Soldiering On Through Life Trust

Soldiering On Through Life Trust (SOTLT) was established as a not-for-profit organisation to support injured Service personnel and their families throughout their lives by recognising the outstanding achievements of teams or individuals from within the Armed Forces Community through an annual awards ceremony. The Soldiering On Awards is the Trust’s flagship event held every spring to honour and salute servicemen and women and their families. The Awards are a moving evening of heroic stories of personnel overcoming their adversity and who are still soldiering on. Blesma is one of the beneficiary charities.

24 February 2014

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