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Blesma News

Latest news from Blesma, The Limbless Veterans


  • Captain Craig shows how he sets sail

    Craig wood
    31 August 2020

    Craig Wood lost both his legs and an arm when he was blown up by a roadside bomb while serving in Afghanistan. He was just 18. "I joined Blesma as soon as I was injured in 2009 – they were by my bedside from the very beginning. They’ve helped me out with practical things, like adaptations to my house, and they’ve been there with emotional support, too. Blesma has given me the strength to move forwards with my life, and I’m incredibly grateful to them for that." Craig has been on a long and agonising journey since Afghanistan. The soldier with 2nd Battalion, Th

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  • What works in NI?

    30 August 2020

    Connecting with Blesma Members across the six counties of Northern Ireland comes with unique challenges. Political and historical sensitivities are entwined with the dynamic progress of a region committed to a positive future. For Blesma Support Officer Steve Burton and OutreachOfficer Fiona Morrison, that means extra considerations when it comes to building awareness of the Association’s offer and support. “Some Members have been totally immersed in the historical challenges of living in Northern Ireland, and understandably remain cautio

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  • The Blesma Awards: The Earl of Ancaster Memorial Award

    David Stephenson
    28 August 2020

    The Earl of Ancaster Memorial Award for 2019 was awarded to David Stevenson. This award was established in memory of Blesma Member Major The Earl of Ancaster KCVO TD, who served in the Leicestershire Yeomanry in World War II and lost a leg in Normandyin 1944. It recognises outstanding work undertaken by a Blesma volunteer. This year, the Earl of Ancaster Memorial Award is presented to David Stevenson. Blesma Member David became a Digital Volunteer in 2018, making a real impact in the Wales and West Area by supporting and advising his fellow Members and W

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  • The Blesma Awards: The Cyril Stevens Award

    Richard and Jayne
    27 August 2020

    The Cyril Stephens Award for 2019 has been awarded to Jayne and Richard Waring. This award is in memory of Blesma Member Cyril Stephens OBE, one of the founder Members of the Association, who was Honorary Auditor for Blesma from 1932-1947 and National President from 1949 until his death in 1956. It recognises the work undertaken by Blesma supporters and this year is awarded to Jayne and Richard Waring. Jayne and Richard have been supporters of Blesma and Blesma’s Nottingham Branch for more than a decade, with Jayne officially joining the Association’s voluntee

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