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Blesma News

Latest news from Blesma, The Limbless Veterans


  • Have your Say!

    25 November 2020

    As we all know too well, 2020 has been a year of fast-moving changes to the way in which we all live, work and spend our free time. Blesma is keen to gather information on how we can best serve our Members following the long months of lockdown and into the New Year. Please take the opportunity to give us your thoughts by filling in our Members’ survey here. You will also find a paper version has been inserted into the latest issue of the Bulletin. Topics include... Blesma Connects It has been eigh

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  • Coronavirus information for Blesma Members

    Blesma logo
    20 November 2020

    The outbreak of Coronavirus/COVID-19 in the UK, and globally is deeply concerning. As the pandemic continues Blesma is taking daily account of the situation and the governmental measures relating to it. Our absolute first concern is to the health and wellbeing of our Members and staff and we are continually reviewing how we deliver our services to ensure this is the case. INFORMATION FOR OUR MEMBERS Please know that Blesma will continue to support its Members in all the ways it can. Ours is an Association founded o

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  • Meet the Streamers- Daniel

    Bezza Bing
    20 November 2020

    Daniel Bingley is passionate about gaming, and he is keen for other Veterans to have the opportunity to take part in gaming events too. Thanks to the OU Disabled Veterans Scholarship fund Daniel (More commonly known by his gamer name Bezzabing!) has been studying Computing and IT. His expertise on all things tech has been a great help to Blesma Chelmsford in the run up to the 24 hour stream. We caught up with him to find out more... Why did you sign up? I joined at 16. Two years before that my Uncle died while se

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  • Meet the streamers- Jack

    Jack Cummings
    19 November 2020

    Jack Cummings will be part of a team of Blesma Members taking part in Blesma's first in-house 24 hour stream!  Jack is no stranger to streaming, having already taken part in several gaming events with the Legion Games. For his section on the 24 hour stream he will be hosting a COD Warzone tournament. Listen out, because he will soon be speaking to BFBS Radio to share the news of stream!  Join Jack&#x

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