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Blesma News

Latest news from Blesma, The Limbless Veterans


  • Trans4mers 2014

    30 April 2014

    Blog post by Matt Kingston, Blesma Member The Blesma has, for the last two consecutive years, run an expedition to California to give former servicemen and women the opportunity to throw themselves out of a perfectly good airplane and learn to Skydive.  This is my blog of the third year. You may ask yourself, why?  Learning to skydive doesn't give us new transferable skills. It doesn’t really help me or anyone else with their physical rehabilitation but what it does give us is the opportunity to be part of a group that is facing similar issues, to talk to othe

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  • NHSE consultation on service specifications

    15 April 2014

    NHSE has announced a 12 week consultation on changes made to 15 of its specialised services specifications, including the specification for complex disability equipment. The specifications set out what is expected of providers in terms of the standards required, and define access to a service.  The consultation process started on 26th February so will end on 21st May 2014. All 15 service specifications have already been subject to consultation but NHSE is now consulting on changes made to those documents since the last consultation exercise was undertaken. NHSE has highlighted on the

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  • Blesma Skibob Rehabilitation event 2014

    25 March 2014

    Never heard of Ski-Biking? It’s like a mountain bike with skis on: easy to learn, difficult to master, and it puts amputees on a level playing field with the able bodied.  Held in Austria amongst the spectacular Tirol Mountains, Blesma has been running Ski-Biking Courses for Members for over 25 years.  It’s so popular; most of th

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  • Touchwood Charms

    Touchwood Charms
    18 February 2014

    London-based Entrepreneur Mr Henry Brandon created the ‘Touch Wud’ (as they were known at the time) charm as a good luck token for families, partners and soldiers during World War One. Blesma is proud to have joined hands with Susie Randle along with her business partner Pete Boylan and jewellery designer and silversmith Tess Blenkinsop, who has created the ‘Touch Wood Charm’ – a beautiful replica of the original charms created by Henry Brandon during the First World War. If you choose Blesma as your chosen charity, 10% of the gross profits on that purchase will come to us.

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