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Blesma News

Latest news from Blesma, The Limbless Veterans


  • iFly offers Blesma Discounts for 2021

    15 April 2021

    iFLY offer indoor skydiving in a vertical wind tunnel. It’s where the dream of flight becomes a reality as flyers from 3 to 103 years of all abilities can experience the thrill of indoor skydiving. Individuals and groups with additional needs or requirements CAN FLY. If you have someone in your life who finds it difficult to participate in able-bodied activities but still wants to be challenged and push their limits, Indoor Skydiving might just be the perfect thing. With the help of their experienced team, iFLY can make what might seem impossible... possible!

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  • Try Climb 2 Recovery

    Climbing for recovery
    13 April 2021

    Climb 2 Recovery (C2R) is a charity for wounded, injured and sick (WIS) veterans aiming to support both physical and mental recovery through a series of mountaineering and climbing courses. Members of C2R receive initial training in ‘lead climbing’ using ‘Traditional protection’ on single pitch climbing crags in the UK. Once competent participants can join a number of club events around the UK. Members can also train as multi-pitch climbers. For those wishing to pursue formal qualifications Climb2Recovery sponsor members through the hierarchy of climbing and m

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  • Celebrate with Blesma this VE Day!

    VE Day Celebrations
    11 April 2021

    VE (Victory in Europe) Day in May 1945 signified an end to six long years of devastating warfare which took the lives of millions and injured 75 million people globally. In towns and cities right across the UK, the relief of victory was celebrated with street parties, dancing and singing. Blesma is delighted to once again unite its Members, supporters, friends, and families in commemoration of that special historic day 76 years ago. A special online event will be held from 2-3pm on 08 May showcasing nostalgic war-time music from a live band. Why not gather th

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  • Blesma Member Josh Boggi Appears on Packed Lunch

    Packed Lunch
    9 April 2021

    Last week we were delighted that Member Josh was invited onto Channel 4's 'Steph's Packed Lunch' to talk about Making Generation R and it's offer for schools and frontline workers. Josh Boggi, who was injured by an IED in Afghanistan and became a triple amputee at the age of just 23, spoke with Steph McGovern about why he got involved with Making Generation R and the positive impact the Blesma programme has had on over 100,000 young people and frontline workers since 2016. They also talked about Josh's service, injury, and how h

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