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Blesma News

Latest news from Blesma, The Limbless Veterans


  • Chairman's Address

    Blesma Chairman
    13 June 2013

    We are coming through a period of change and we need to respond to this. It is a touch difficult for us to appreciate just how much things have changed as a result of recent events, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Cedric Delves  There has been increasing clarity in our world – the Service Charity world. The increased visibility of the Armed Forces and their activities resulted in a huge up swell of public sympathy and support. Government provision has improved out of recognition – it’s not jus

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  • BFBS Big Salute

    5 June 2013

    We are delighted to announce our continuing relationship with BFBS's Big Salute. Starting in 2007, the Big Salute is a fundraising initiative where people across the forces community raise money throughout the year for five military charities, of which Blesma is one. The other worthy causes are: Families Activities Breaks, Blind Veterans UK, Veterans Aid and Combat Stress. There is also a big auction due in November. We will provide more details nearer the time

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