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20 November 2020

Daniel Bingley is passionate about gaming, and he is keen for other Veterans to have the opportunity to take part in gaming events too.

Thanks to the OU Disabled Veterans Scholarship fund Daniel (More commonly known by his gamer name Bezzabing!) has been studying Computing and IT. His expertise on all things tech has been a great help to Blesma Chelmsford in the run up to the 24 hour stream.

We caught up with him to find out more...

Why did you sign up?

I joined at 16. Two years before that my Uncle died while serving in the Falklands. He got a Military medal because he did Heroic things at the Battle of Goose Green. There’s loads about him on the internet and my middle name is after him. Basically I never met him and just wanted to join because of him.

Who did you join?

I was meant to join the Green Jackets but ended up joining the Prince of Wales Own regiment of Yorkshire.

How did you find your service?

It was alright, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed going around the world and we went everywhere you could think of. I was an adventure training instructor for two years.

I worked in Canada, America, Northern Ireland for two years, Bosnia, Iraq twice and Afghanistan.

Tour or exercise?

Northern Ireland - Tour. Bosnia - Tour. Iraq in Basra - tour. Iraq in Baghdad - tour and Afghanistan - Tour.

What happened to you?

I was injured while training. I was doing my Sergeant’s course and I was carrying a stretcher. At the front they decided they wanted to go for a run - you say prepare to double and go jogging but no one shouted anything.

I landed on both my knees with all the kit on it. The kit was 65pounds on my back, plus the stretcher which was another 20kg and all of that was on me as I landed on my knee.

So, just so I understand, what was the impact of that injury?

Loss of use of the left leg. I landed on both my knees. I can still walk sometimes, but sometimes my leg just gives away and that’s it, it’s gone. I’m in the process of going to the Veteran’s Trauma Network in Oxford, They are still not sure what to do.

What happened from there?

I went to Headley court three times. They decided they couldn’t do anything with my knees. I’m like a loss of use Member. I have both my legs but they give way. After I got injured I went through Headley court several times to work out what they could do. They couldn’t do anything so I got medically discharged in a wheelchair.

I went to Help for Heroes because of the sport. I did the Warrior Games in 2017. 2018 I did Invictus in Sydney, got four medals out there. 

Now I’m trying to take part in the GB Paralympic Sitting Volleyball team. I’m on a disabled veterans scholarship fund with the Open University and studying for a degree in Computing and IT. Basically I’m now doing this with Blesma to help promote and raise funds through gaming and give Members the opportunity to take part in gaming competitions and gaming events.

If you ever meet me, I put my two feet in to do everything with the best of my ability. I’m a bit stupid like that, but that’s the infantry in me.

Why did you choose to study Computing and It?

I’ve always been a hidden geek in Infantry. I’ve always enjoyed computers, so networking. It’s just always appealed to me and I find it interesting.

As well as helping Blesma with their Discord, you’ve helped other charities too?

I’m an ambassador for a charity called Yes We Can. They are a very small charity which help disabled kids play sport. I go and help them and they do things with MK Dons. I’m also an ambassador with the Royal British Legion. I helped them as much as I can with their gaming offering, which is called the Legion Games. I’ve also given Help For Heroes my advice. With Blesma, I’m helping them out with what they want me to do.

Why do you help?

I help in general because I want to help get Military Personnel into gaming and give them opportunities to enjoy it. I want to give them the opportunity to play with big gamers. I love the word opportunity. I play a lot of games with Jack [Cummings]. It’s things like that, giving myself and others the opportunity to play a game against some of the best, knowing that we are going to lose but getting the opportunity to go and do it.

I can hear that you are passionate about this, but why should other veterans consider gaming and get involved?

I’ve always believed - for me anyway - that there’s two ways to deal with boredom, mental health and other struggles. You can either go and do sports (which tires you out!) or, being social animals, if you can play a game online, interact and socialise then it’s a great way to do that. You are not spending a lot of money down the pub every week and you can still interact with friends, still have that competitive side that you used to when you were in the military and that’s why I think it’s so important.

How has it helped you?

It’s a way of compartmentalizing and taking yourself out of reality for a little while, while still being a part of something with your friends.

What games do you play?

Anything from strategic or artificial style games to Call of Duty. I play any game that keeps my mind active. I also like a social game because I like being a social person.

So, it must have helped you a lot during Lockdown then?

Ah easy, it’s helped me massively because I’ve had the ability to interact with my friends still, even though I’ve been locked in. I can still communicate with them, pick up the Discord at any point and speak to my friends, speak to them over voice chat or over video on Discord.

How you feeling about the 24 hour gameathon?

Good, we are not all doing 24 hours! We are breaking it down into chunks within the 24 hours. For me, because it’s such a new thing for Blesma, we want it to succeed but it’s highlighting to other Blesma Members that there is an opportunity. The main aims is that  other Blesma members see what we are doing and if they want to they can get involved and raise money for Blesma.

It’s an easy way to make money as you just sit on your arse and play computer games and entertain people! So if there are Blesma Members out there that are willing to sit in front of a camera and play a computer game and talk and try to raise money that way then get involved!

As a Blesma Member and being behind the scenes, what is your idea of success from this?

There’s two folds. The first priority is to get other Blesma Members in and give them the opportunity to join us. The second thing behind that is to raise money for Blesma which is obviously why we are doing it. And the third point is to heighten awareness of Game on for Blesma so we can get more companies, gaming influencers and streamers onboard to try and make this even bigger. This will in turn give more Blesma Members more gaming opportunities!



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