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24 March 2020

Injured veterans who are part of Making Generation R are taking their powerful stories of resilience online to keep inspiring audiences from the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Blesma Members Mat Armitage and Nerys Pearce delivered the first MGR virtual workshop to the Department for Education on Thursday 19 March.

The talk was originally booked as part of the DfE team’s ‘Resilience Away Day,’ however in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the needs to social distance, it was suggested the session should be turned into a webinar instead.

Over 70 people joined speaker Mat and facilitator Nerys online to listen to their incredible stories of overcoming adversity and take part in a Q&A.

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Nerys Pearce

“Nothing about the way I told my story changed and it was probably one of my best talks. As I was in my home, my comfort zone, and I couldn’t see the instant reactions, I could tap into my emotions a little better while telling my story. I practise my talks by recording myself on my phone, so it was just like rehearsing.

“The comments and feedback from the organisers we received has blown my mind. It reminds me why I wanted to do this, and makes the prep time I’ve put in all worthwhile,” said former Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Craftsman Mat, whose right leg was amputated below the knee in 2018 following a motorcycle accident.

“I can honestly say that was one of the most powerful and inspiring talks I have ever been to and in the half an hour since we’ve finished I’ve already had so many people telling me how moved they were and how it puts so much into perspective. The value the Making Generation R workshop has added to our teams is incredible but the value you have added to our teams is incredible,” said Lara, who organised the digital conference for the Manchester staff at Department for Education.

To ensure total safety of everyone involved, Making Generation R are now running live online sessions all across the UK to help inspire audiences in this uncertain time from the comfort of their own homes.

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