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22 August 2020

What is counselling?

In times of crisis, looking after our mental health is just as important as
protecting our physical health. Stress, anxiety and fear can all damage lives if we are not mindful about our mental health. If you are finding yourself under strain during this period, remember that Blesma provides a free counselling service to all of it’s Members.

Whatever our circumstances, background or role in life, talking about what is worrying us, and sharing our troubles with a sympathetic person, can help us feel better. You can, of course, talk to your BSO, but there may be an occasion when you need to talk to a trained counsellor. If that’s the case, you may be interested in this service.

How does it help?


Many of us can feel lonely from time to time. Our family may live a long way away, and old friends may have passed away. Talking about your sense of loss can help you feel better.


Depression can affect anyone at any time. Counselling can help you overcome depression and give you strategies to cope when you’re down. 


Coping with the loss of loved ones is never easy. We can help you move beyond a sense of emptiness after losing someone close.

Feeling scared, unsure and nervous are all common. Counselling can help you regain self-confidence and equip you to face your anxieties.

Relationships need to be nurtured. Counselling can help you to improve relationships with your partner, colleagues, family and friends.

How does it work?
The Counselling Service receives your application and will then contact you to make arrangements. After you have seen the counsellor for the first time, they will normally offer five additional sessions, usually at regular times each week to suit you.

Who can use this service? – Any Blesma Member – Any carer of a Blesma Member – Any widow, widower or surviving partner of a Blesma Member

How to access counselling
You can apply in two ways. Contact your local Blesma Support Officer and ask them to apply on your behalf. Or you can call 0300 0120 369; your confidential application will be taken over the phone or, if you prefer, you can ask for an application form to be sent to you.

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