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16 June 2020

Blesma Virtual Book Club – L&SE, SW and Midlands

During lockdown, the London and South-East, South West and Midlands Outreach Officers decided to team up; creating a book club for Members which has been taking place both online and offline.

This has been a great opportunity for Members to stay connected with one another, and also build new relationships with Members from across the regions.

Overall, the book club has received great feedback and all of the Outreach Officers involved hope to continue with it for the foreseeable future.

Following the completion of our first book ‘The Silent Patient’ Members agreed to combine their overall thoughts and summaries together to create the first Blesma book review!

Blesma book review – The Silent Patient  

Exciting, Emotional, Captivating…

This psychological thriller has left us wanting more. It starts with a women named Alicia, who is accused of murdering her husband. However, how can can we be sure when Alicia has not spoken a word for the 6 years following the murder? Will she ever speak again, and will we ever know the truth of what really happened that night? These were the questions which had us hooked!

Alicia now spends her days residing in a mental care facility called ‘The Grove’, where she continues to live in silence. Enter Theo Faber, a psychotherapist who is obsessed with Alicia and driven to solve the mystery of why she killed her husband.

Despite what may seem at first a confusing timeline, the ending brought together all the characters. We could go on, but why ruin the twist(s)? What we can say is this book is truly captivating, the author, Alex Michaelides, manages to hold the suspense throughout the book, right through to the end, leaving you clutching for more. Somehow you find yourself being taken on this emotional roller-coaster with the characters, relating to them and experiencing the impact of their emotions.

Overall, we thought that this was a wonderful choice of book to read and would recommend to anyone that loves a thriller, there is no doubt that this book will leave you sitting at the edge of your seat!

Book Review Quotes 

“The Silent Patient was a jolly good read - I thought it so interesting that even in these clinics the staff could not get on with one another and were plotting against each other from the word go.  Very enjoyable book - glad I read it. – Janet Wilkes

"This original mental health physiological thriller creeps up on you, drawing you in emotionally and empathetically both into the story and the characters’. So, for me, it became a 'just one more chapter' book as a definite page turner. It was really refreshing that I didn’t see the end coming." Steve McNeice

"I was once a passionate and avid reader, but work and other issues gradually took over my time. Now that currently isn't a problem, being a part of the Blesma Bookclub' has restored my joy in reading, no more long winded reports and endless emails, but a good novel. Sharing back my thoughts and hearing others and their views has been interesting, we all have our opinions on the things we see, hear and read; and it’s great to hear from others and have them hear mine. Can't wait for the next book".  – Steve Rigby

“A very gripping book, with great story line which makes it hard to put down. Very enjoyable highly recommended.” Neil Owen

“A very well structured book and very well written, the twist at the end was brilliant, I was captivated throughout and I will be looking out for his next book.” – Ted Hill

If you would like to take part in the Blesma Book Club, or arrange one in your region, please get in touch with your local Outreach Officer.



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