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2 March 2017

Photography is very popular amongst Blesma members. You wouldn't realise it but when your life has dramatically changed through the loss of a limb or becoming a widow, picking up a camera to take photos really can help in your road to recovery. It may start with taking photos in your garden and before you know it you're on one of Blesma's Photography activities, in the Isle of Mull, hanging off a boat taking amazing photos of white-tailed Eagles! - Reframing your life through Photography.    

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About Blesma Photography

The Blesma photography group has grown beyond anyone's expectation over the last 5 years.  Blesma members run a popular Facebook page where they engage and communicate through monthly and seasonal competitions.  There is also a website Blesma Photography Group.

The group are always grateful for support and Kirsty and Parm Verdi who run Verdi Studios and are based across the road from Blesma's offices are one of the photography groups biggest supporter!  Last year, on three different occasions they invited Blesma members to their Studios and held Studio photography courses which helped Blesma photographers no end to understand studio lighting and portraiture photography.  

Verdi Studios have offered all Blesma Members an exciting photography opportunity.....
During April 2017, Verdi Studios have allocated one of their large shop front windows to display Blesma member’s photography. It’s simple!!  

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How to Enter

  • Theme: Outdoors
  • Photos can be taken on a phone, small or even professional digital camera  
  • Colour or black & white - it doesn’t matter
  • Images can be panoramic, rectangular, square, upright, or view
  • Simply email your image to Kirsty at verdistudios.blesma@gmail.com
  • Maximum 2 submissions per person
  • Closing date is 31st March 2017

Picking A Winner

Six winning images will be chosen by Barry Le Grys, Chief Executive at Blesma and Kirsty Verdi, Photographer. These images will be enlarged, mounted and framed.  They will then be showcased in Verdi Studios shop window for 4 weeks. Members are invited to submit a photo of themselves and a few words about the image.  This will be placed next to your framed photo in the shop window. 

After 4 weeks, the display will be taken down and given to Blesma, who can either display the photographs in their offices or members can have them for free. There is no charge to enter this competition. 

There is no cost to Blesma whatsoever. Verdi Studios will pay for the enlargements, mounting and framing.




 If you wish to support the Blesma Photography Group please contact our activities team on activties@blesma.org or call 0208 555 6262

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