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13 July 2016

A double leg amputee is taking on the challenge of riding 300 miles from London to Paris to raise money for a military charity.

John Jones, 59, who now lives in France, is taking on the four day London to Paris cycle challenge to help raise awareness for Blesma, the Limbless Veterans charity.

In July 1982 whilst John was serving in the Welsh Guards and awaiting to return home following the war in the Falklands, John and eleven other men were hit by an air to air missile fired by an RAF Harrier at Stanley airfield. Mercifully no one was killed but John lost both legs from below the knee.

“I have no idea what made me want to do the challenge”, said John, who was originally from North Wales. “I’ve done a few fundraising things before and I was thinking about doing something to get Blesma the awareness it deserves. I’m 60 in December so I think it’s also something to add to my bucket list.”

The challenge requires cyclists to travel 88 – 60 miles each day with the first day being the toughest for they have to catch a ferry to Calais on time.

“The first day is going to be the toughest as that’s when I have to make sure I can catch the ferry to Calais on time. The other days it’s just like I’m chasing my dinner. I’ve been out training every day getting the miles in.”

In May John (third left) joined fellow Members on the Belgium Battlefield ride. The cycle event took members to see battlefields and memorials related to the Battle of the Somme.

Lengthy bike rides, like the one John is about to undertake, can often expose the residual limb (stump) to extremes of pressure and forces which can lead to blisters, sores, and even skin breakdown, but John is prepare with a first aid kit for any trouble that may come his way. Another challenge that John faces is keeping his feet on the pedals for amputees cannot use cycle clips as they have no full awareness of where their false feet are.

However according to John this is all part of life for an amputee and you have to accept whatever trouble comes your way and get on with it.

"Blesma have always been there for me when I needed them and are still here now doing fantastic work that most people don't know about. I wanted to give back so they can continue to do that fantastic work and raise awareness.”

Associate Director of Fundraising for Blesma, Barbara Warner said: "We are delighted that John has taken on this impressive challenge for our charity.  On behalf of everyone at Blesma, we wish him the very best of luck."

John will be taking part in the London to Paris cycle on Wednesday 20th July 2016 and finishing on Sunday 24th July 2016.

To support John, please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/john-notoes-jones

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