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30 May 2014
  • In May 2014 a group from Banchory Academy in Aberdeenshire cycled and walked over 500km across Scotland and raised £19,000 for Blesma. We joined up with the group to find out how they went about raising this amazing amount and hear their top tips!

  • KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO ACHIEVE!  Set yourself a target - it will keep you motivated. This can be either financial, or just about spreading information on what Blesma does. Colin Nicoll, Depute Rector at Banchory Academy who arranged the trip. "We picked a cycling and walking route across Scotland in memory of Blesma Member Paul Burns. His passion for adventure and for Blesma stuck with us all the way"  

  • FUNDRAISE ONLINE! Online fundraising is fast, easy, and safe. It lets you promote your challenge, contact all your supporters in one go (wherever they live), and raise funds securely.  

  • ALWAYS TARGET THE RIGHT PEOPLE!  Ask yourself: who is the event for and how will be invited? Think of easy and creative fundraising ideas. When organising an event outside private property, check with your local council to see if they have any restrictions in place. The group did everything from hosting dinner parties to a race night and one pupil even dyed his hair pink for £200!

  • USE SOCIAL MEDIA WHERE POSSIBLE!  Telling as many people as possible about what you are doing is key to making it a huge success. With social media there is no cost, and updates can easily be made plus the greatest form of local promotion is always word of mouth. "I promoted the event on social media and used sponsorship forms with my neighbours" said pupil Calum.  The event even got picked up by the local press! Read the article here

  • LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THE CAUSE! Tell supporters why you’re supporting Blesma, and where their money will go. Jemma, pupil at Banchory added, "No two supporters are the same – think about how best to talk to them"

  • ASK BUSINESS CONNECTIONS FOR CORPORATE SPONSER!  Corporate sponsorship can provide a vital source of funding. To secure sponsorship you need to understand what sponsors are looking for and offer benefits and value that meet their needs. Banchory Academy built a relationship with engineering firm IMES who signed up to sponsor the trip. Project manager at IMES Paul added, "To get involved with a cause close to my heart being ex-military has been wonderful"

  • HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE EVENT! Now you have everything packed, organised, sponsored and fundraised you are ready to go. Don't forget to enjoy it, after all the hard work you've put in! 

  • We’d love to hear from you! From marketing and promotion to legal issues or lovely fundraising team can't  wait to support you with your fundraising. Call us on 020 8590 1124  or email fundraising@blesma.org

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